How Is She?

Dear God,

It’s me again.

Don’t worry, I’ll be brief.

How’s mom doing? I received word in a dream that she arrived safely, but I haven’t heard a peep since. That was a long time ago. Five weeks to the day.

I know, I know, be patient. I’m trying. The problem is I’m not doing a very good job with even the thought of patience.

Of course, I’ve read and reread Colossians 1:10-11:

"We're praying this so that you can live lives that are worthy of the Lord and pleasing to him in every way: by producing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God; by being strengthened through his glorious might so that you endure everything and have patience."

I do love that verse and, yes, reading it over and over does help.

Not that you want to know, but bewilderment of her absence is why waiting patiently is so difficult, so confusing. I remember reading somewhere in the bible to praise you for difficult times too, not just happy times. Well, another reason I’m writing is to tell you that I’m doing that.

Have you received the gratitude that I sent up just a short while ago? I thanked you specifically for the sore void of her absence? I’m sure it takes a minute to reach you.

All us sinners down here can barely imagine how busy you are these days. There’s a lot going on for sure. (Sorry about all that.)

God, if you could just let me know that she is okay it would stop the faucet in both my eyeballs and I would be so, so grateful?

Is she free from:






Does she miss laughing and entertaining family and friends? Or is she carrying on with all that at heavenly parties?

Gosh, God, I just miss her so much. Please do tell her that I and many others miss her dearly.

I know there’s nothing I can do in return for you because He did everything for me/us. But be sure I’ll do my best to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly. I’m sorry that my best sucks a lot of the time.

Oh, and thank you so very much for letting Jeff and I be the last to hug, kiss and say good-bye to mom. I thank and praise you for that beyond comprehension.

Waiting patiently, Shelley

Thank you for reading!

Love, Shelley