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Squeeze / Psychedelic Furs

Is Chastain Park Amphitheatre one of the coolest venues on earth!?

Reminds me of a modern day version of the Roman Theatre in Amman, Jordan.

Cool theatres
Roman Amphitheatre Amman Jordan

Add Psychedelic Furs and Squeeze to either of those two venues and you’ll go back in time with some great British rock hits.

I always get the impression that artists who perform at Chastain Amphitheatre admire it as much as I do. Last night, Squeeze and Psychedelic Furs did their thing on stage. And, like so many artists that I've seen there before, they greeted the audience with admiration for Chastain Park.

Squeeze Singles
A 32-year-old gift from someone special

Jeff and I behaved like teenagers (not really) while Squeeze belted out their biggest hits (Goodbye Girl, Pulling Mussels, Tempted, Black Coffee in Bed, Annie Get Your Gun, etc.).

Good water
Liquid Death, a fave

Sax players
Psychedelic Furs sax jammer (mom always loved a good sax player)

Squeeze and Psyedelic Furs Chastain Park Amphitheatre
Jamming underneath the stars

Chastain Park Amphitheatre
Squeeze in the spotlight! When they reversed the light it was cool to see the packed park

Thank you to a friend who gave us their tix to this fun night


Gosh, friends are my favorite thing in life. They’re the one thing, confessedly (is that a word) I do covet. Is it okay to covet dear friends? If not, scratch that.


We hadn’t been to Chastain since our girls attended Sutton Middle School across the street from the park. Sutton’s yearly talent show was held on the incredible Chastain stage that also hosted mega-talented superstars. (Flashback…Andre Benjamin (Outkast) attended Sutton…I wonder if he had a talent gig on Chastain’s stage? Anyone know?)

Back in Sutton Middle School days, parents packed dinners and margaritas to enjoy at tables in “the pit”. While watching our precious, semi-talented offspring reach for the stars (literally and figuratively) we indulged in such.

Seriously, Sutton Middle School students were truly lucky to perform on that iconic stage.

Last night was the first time I’ve attended a full-blown concert at Chastain (meaning the venue was not set up with dinner tables). Typically, I'd prefer to pack a dinner for the whole, picnic-style ensemble. Tables are a special experience but meal prep, transport, etc. is more work and energy which is hard to come by in your ‘60s. If it’s simply a concert you’re left with more get-up-and-go to dance, rock and enjoy. Both ways are a lot of fun though!

Thanks for reading about our fun night at Chastain (#squeeze) last night!

(Psst., Chicago will be there on Saturday, September 30.)

Love, Shelley

Squeeze Psychedelic Furs

Bible verse

strange pic
No idea what happened here #phsycedelic?

Strange pic


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